Category Archives: C++

C++ all the way up to 14

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One of the latest books I have read is Effective Modern C++, by Scott Meyers. The book is a good review of old and newer features of C++. The main topics are type deduction, auto, smart pointers, move and forward and references, lambda expressions and the concurrency API. There is also a chapter with a hotchpotch – and I don’t mean it in a negative sense- of items about the newer C++ that are different to classify under one single label.

The book is really readable and it has quite some to offer even for people with a lot of experience in C++. Sometimes I was just going over “of course, we know it” but then I had to stop to realise I actually had followed some “convention” without thinking any longer why I was taking that option. There were several points on the concurrency API that were simply new to me as well. If you are into C++, take a look at this book if you haven’t done so before.